Yuma, Río Sonoro, is a spellbinding journey along Colombia’s sacred Magdalena river after the origin of Cumbia music. This film introduces folk musicians which give a unique insight into musical creation. Through their songs, we will experience the beauty and complexity of the river´s history, culture, and navigating it we also learn about its urgent environmental crisis. Yuma, Sonic River is a documentary project we have been developing with passion and dedication for years. It is a film about a unique river, the Magdalena river, and about what we most love: music.


The Magdalena river or “Yuma”, as named by ancient indigenous communities of Colombia, is a musical river. What the Mississippi did for Blues, the Magdalena did for Cumbia, a folk music genre that was born in this river during Colonial times, spreading all over the world in the 1960s and 1970s.

Since then, Cumbia has been mixed by DJs and bands worldwide, played at club dance floors, music festivals, folk carnivals, and in movies everywhere. Cumbia is an uplifting afro percussive music that is key to the soundtrack of Latin America, crossing from México to Argentina expressing joy, and offering itself to rituals and traditions. Many of these are reminiscent of ancient times when people from Africa were brought to these shores as slaves, meeting with indigenous communities living alongside the river while sharing music to free their souls from the oppressive colonial regime.


The Magdalena river and its music is a mirror of Colombia and its social and political contradictions. The river has been a silent witness of Colombia’s history. The most powerful music in this country generally comes from beautiful but endangered natural places, which are also hit by Colombia´s violence and an urgent environmental crisis. The influence of the Magdalena river is felt all across Colombia and its cultural importance has also travelled across the globe. It is the river in Gabriel García Marquez stories and the river inhabited by musicians, who are trying to keep their musical roots alive, as traditions that have passed orally for generations. As the river is slowly being mistreated and in peril, so is its music. These living legends are remarkable elders who by continuing this long cultural heritage are helping us understand its importance. The Magdalena river has witnessed the beautiful and tragic history of Colombia. We believe as long its history is safeguarded, its culture and music will survive forever.


GENRE: Musical Documentary.
DURATION: 90 minutes.
MAIN TOPIC: A musical journey through the Magdalena River of Colombia and it’s history around violence.
OTHER TOPCIS: Music, environment, Colombia’s history, violence.
GEOGRAPHICAL REGION OF COVERAGE: Lower part of the Magdalena River, from La Gloria, Cesar, to the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Departments of Cesar, Bolívar, Atlántico and Magdalena.